This F.A.Q provides answers to frequently asked questions.
Can I only apply for a visit online?
No. As in the past, you can also apply in person. (For more information, see the "Application Guidelines for Visit".)
What should I do if the composition of our group changes after we apply for a visit?
Your group information cannot be changed. Contact the Visitor Office for more information.
Visit to the Imperial Palace 03-5223-8071(Direct Line)
Visit to Kyoto/Kyoto Sento Imperial Palace and Katsura/Shugakuin Imperial Villa 075-211-1215(Direct Line)
Since I'm applying for a group, I need to upload the group file on the "Send Members' List" page but am unable to do so.
Check the following:
Have you downloaded the file from the "Get Members' List Sample" page? Are you using that file?
When entering your information into the downloaded file, haven't you used an application software such as Excel and saved the file in that format(e.g.".xls")?
(Only ".csv" file can be uploaded.)
What browsers are recommended for viewing this site?
The Imperial Household Agency recommends the following browsers:
: Microsoft Edge newest version
: FireFox newest version
: Google Chrome newest version
: Safari newest version
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an encryption technology that ensures the confidentiality of data such as personal information as it is sent over the Internet. Some pages on this site require a secure connection, so be sure that you have enabled this functionality on your browser. (You will be unable to load those pages if your browser isn't configured to allow secure connections.)
For more information about how to setup your browser, see "SSL Settings."
The selection page of the visit hope day cannot be displayed.