For Visitors

Prior Registrations differ according to locations. Select a location from below.

The Imperial Palace

Guided Tour of the Imperial Palace (Free of charge)

Generally conducted twice a day in the morning and in the afternoon.

Morning tour

9:00 am
Numbered tickets will be distributed
9:30 am
Registration starts
10:00 am
Tour starts
11:15 am
Tour ends

Afternoon tour

12:30 pm
Numbered tickets will be distributed
1:00 pm
Registration starts
1:30 pm
Tour starts
2:45 pm
Tour ends

What to bring: a valid form of identification

Participants will be asked to present a valid form of identification, such as passports, residence cards, or driver’s license. Photocopied IDs are not accepted.

Prior registration

Walk-in Application

  • Bring a valid form of identification outside the Kikyo-mon gate of the Imperial Palace.
  • Numbered tickets will be distributed one hour prior to the starting time of the tour.

Take one ticket per person.
Following the entry at the Kikyo-mon gate, you will be asked to fill in an application form.

No tours are given on the following days and times (calendar)

  • Sundays
  • Mondays
  • National Holidays (except when a holiday falls on a Saturday)
  • Afternoons from July 1 to September 30
  • From December 28 to January 4
  • Any day or time of the day when Imperial Court functions are scheduled or other unavoidable circumstances occur.


Walk-in: 300 persons per tour on a first-come basis; numbered tickets will be issued
Prior registration: 200 persons per tour (1 group should not exceed 50 persons )
※Those under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Groups (less than 10 persons) of junior or senior high school students with applications from their schools may be allowed to participate.

The following persons will not be permitted to participate in the tour or enter the Palace Grounds

  • Persons who are heavily drunk and/or behave in ways deemed harmful to others
  • Persons deemed to potentially cause discomfort or nuisance to others
  • Persons accompanied by animals (excluding assistance dogs for persons with disabilities)
  • Persons carrying dangerous articles such as knives, small unmanned aircraft systems, or other objects that may cause harm to other visitors
  • Persons deemed to cause a hindrance to the tour

Kyoto Imperial Palace

Opening hours

Apr.― Aug.
9:00 - 16:20 (Last Admission)      17:00 (Closing Time)
Sept. & Mar.
9:00 - 15:50 (Last Admission)      16:30 (Closing Time)
Oct.― Feb.
9:00 - 15:20 (Last Admission)      16:00 (Closing Time)


Mondays (Tuesday if a holiday falls on a Monday)
December 28th to January 4th
※Opening arrangements may be subject to change at short notice due to Imperial Court events or any other operational reasons.
→Please check calendar

Free guided tours are scheduled at

Japanese(4 times)
English   (2 times)
Chinese  (2 times)

(Duration approximately 50 min.)

  • No prior registration needed.
  • Meeting point for the tour --- Visitors Room (on the right side of the entry gate)
  • Please note that none of the buildings can be entered.


  • Karasuma Line, Kyoto City Subway: 5 minutes from Imadegawa Station
  • Kyoto City Bus: 5 minutes from Karasuma-Imadegawa bus stop
  • Keihan Railway: 20 minutes from Demachiyanagi Station


  1. Pets and large baggage cannot be taken into the Palace.
  2. The following acts are not permitted: smoking, drinking alcohol, eating, using megaphone, carrying signboard propaganda, bringing drones or other objects that may harm to other visitors.
  3. You can take photographs. However, using camera stand or other related equipment for commercial filming are not allowed.
  4. Wheelchairs are available. Please ask our staff for assistance at the entrance.

Kyoto Sento Imperial Palace

  • Click here for the latest information.
  • Admission is free.
  • Visiting the palace requires joining a Japanese guided tour. 
  • Audio guide (English, Chinese, French, Korean, and Spanish) is available free of charge.
  • Visitors must be 18 years old or older.


For details, click here .

Directions for walk in registration:

  • Registration starts at 8:40 AM at the North Gate of Kyoto Sento Imperial Palace.
  • Main applicant may add up to 3 accompanying persons. A maximum of 4 persons including the main applicant may apply at one time if there is an opening.
  • ID for the main applicant is required to register. IDs for all the participants are required at the door when entering.
  • Main applicant must apply in person. Proxy application is not acceptable.
  • No tours on the following days
    Mondays (Tuesday if a holiday falls on a Monday)
    December 28th to January 4th
    ※Opening arrangements may be subject to change at short notice due to Imperial Court events or any other operational reasons.
         →Please check calendar


  • Karasuma Line, Kyoto City Subway: 15 minutes from Marutamachi Station
  • Kyoto City Bus: 10 minutes from Furitsuidai-byoin-mae bus stop
  • Keihan Railway: 20 minutes from Jingu-Marutamachi Station


  1. Pets and large baggage cannot be taken into the Palace.
  2. The following acts are not permitted: smoking, eating, using megaphone, carrying signboard propaganda, bringing drones or other objects that may harm to other visitors.
  3. You can take photographs. However, using camera stand or other related equipment for commercial filming are not allowed.

Katsura Imperial Villa

  • Click here for the latest information.
  • Visiting the villa requires joining a Japanese guided tour (duration: one hour)
  • Audio guide (English, Chinese, French, Korean, and Spanish) is available free of charge.
  • Visitors must be at least 12 years old (junior high school age) or older.

Admission fee is charged as follows.

  • 18 years old or older ---1,000 yen
  • 12 years old - 17 years old ---admission is free
  • Visitors who have a physical disability certificate --- admission is free (One attendant who assists the visitor --- admission is free.)

The admission fee will be charged at the reception desk of the villa. The following payment methods are accepted: cash, credit cards, and e-money.
For details, click here.

The admission fee is non-refundable.


For details, click here .

Directions for Walk in registration:

  • Registration starts at 8:40 AM at the Katsura Imperial Villa.
  • Main applicant may add up to 3 accompanying persons. A maximum of 4 persons including the main applicant may apply at one time if there is an opening.
  • ID for the main applicant is required to register. IDs for all the participants are required at the door when entering.
  • Main applicant must apply in person. Proxy application is not acceptable.
  • No tours on the following days
    Mondays (Tuesday if a holiday falls on a Monday)
    December 28th to January 4th
    ※Opening arrangements may be subject to change at short notice due to Imperial Court events or any other operational reasons.
    →Please check calendar


  • Hankyu Railway: 20 minute from Katsura Station
  • Keihan Kyoto Kotsu Bus: 8 minute from Katsura-rikyu-mae bus stop


  1. Pets and large baggage cannot be taken into the Palace.
  2. The following acts are not permitted: smoking, eating, using megaphone, carrying signboard propaganda, bringing drones or other objects that may harm to other visitors.
  3. You can take photographs. However, using camera stand or other related equipment for commercial filming are not allowed.

Shugakuin Imperial Villa

  • Click here for the latest information.
  • Admission is free.
  • Visiting the villa requires joining a Japanese guided tour. 
  • Audio guide (English, Chinese, French, Korean, and Spanish) is available free of charge.
  • Visitors must be 18 years old or older.


For details, click here .

Directions for Walk in registration:

  • Registration starts at 8:40 AM at the Shugakuin Imperial Villa.
  • Main applicant may add up to 3 accompanying persons. A maximum of 4 persons including the main applicant may apply at one time
  • ID for the main applicant is required to register. IDs for all the participants are required at the door when entering. 
  • Main applicant must apply in person. Proxy application is not acceptable.
  • No tours on the following days
    Mondays (Tuesday if a holiday falls on a Monday)
    December 28 to January 4
    ※Opening arrangements may be subject to change at short notice due to Imperial Court events or any other operational reasons.
         →Please check calendar



  • Eizan Railway: 20 minute from Shugakuin Station
  • Kyoto City Bus: 15 minute from Shugakuin-rikyu-michi bus stop


  1. Pets and large baggage cannot be taken into the Palace.
  2. The following acts are not permitted: smoking, eating, using megaphone, carrying signboard propaganda, bringing drones or other objects that may harm to other visitors.
  3. You can take photographs. However, using camera stand or other related equipment for commercial filming are not allowed.